International experts of four partners regions are welcome in Maramures, for the 4th Peer Review (PR) organized within the Food Chains 4 EU project, starting with 5 November 2018, to evaluate the current situation of Maramures producers included in food chains, in order to support them to introduce innovation and to keep in the same time the traditional technologies and products.

During 5 days, the PR experts will be involved in field visits and interviews with local producers, will attend a culinary competition organized by the local North University and will participate at interactive events analysing the current situation of food chain in Maramures and presenting the PR conclusions and recommendations.

1) Identification of local products representative for Maramures with market potential, and methods to support the local traditional producers;
2) Innovative models of food business association and mechanisms to support them;
3) Innovative methods of selling and packaging food, including traditional ones.

The Inter-regional Learning Workshop will be held on 8th November 2018, the theme being “Tradition and Innovation”. Scientists and producers from regional, local and international level will present innovative projects and initiatives referring to quality food.

The Monitoring Board Meeting will take place on 9th November 2018, in order to discuss the activities and results of FOOD CHAINS 4 EU project, in the first two years of implementation by the 5 partners regions.

Details: FoodChains 4EU integrated event, Maramures (Romania)