Experts from partner regions of the FC4EU project will meet in Bologna (Italy), for the 5th and last Peer Review of the project, to evaluate the food chains in Emilia-Romagna region and to make recommandations regarding packaging for high quality food products, with specific reference to sustainability.

The focus of the peer review in Emilia-Romagna, 12-15 February 2019:

  • finding the most suitable and effective way to make research institutions, packaging companies and food companies to work together;
  • promoting innovation in this area in order to develop new effective, efficient and sustainable packages for high these high quality food.

During 5 days, the PR experts will be familiarizated with the main features of the regional packaging framework through the Workshop “The packaging of food products in Emilia-Romagna: perspectives of innovation and sustainability” that will be held on 12th February and through field visits at a balsamic vinegar factory in Modena, a cooperative manufacturing packaging for fruits and vegetables in Ferrara and a cured meat factory.

The 5th Monitoring Board Meeting will take place on 14th February 2019, in order to make a point on the progress of the FOOD CHAINS 4 EU project and to plan the upcoming activities. 

Based on the analysis of the current situation, field observations and discussions with local entrepreneurs, the PR experts will present the initial conclusions and recommendations regarding the packaging of food products in Emilia-Romagna, within the dissemination workshop that will be held on 15th February 2019
