Emilia-Romagna action plan is focused on sustainable innovation in food packaging and the reduction of non-biodegradable materials as part of an environmental sustainability strategy that involves all the actors in the food agro-chain.

The action plan also aims to work on the integration between the funds of the Regional Operational Program of the European Regional Development Fund (ROP-ERDF) and the Rural Development Program of the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (RDP-EAFRD) to favor systemic action.

Thanks to the work done in implementing the action plan, Emilia-Romagna Region (ERR) elaborated a study document that aimed to provide recommendations for the upcoming call on Measure 16.1.01, focus area 3A of the RDP-EAFRD, in line with what emerged from the analysis and exchange of knowledge and good practices of the FOODCHAINS project.

In particular, these recommendations aimed at guiding the call in order to increase harmonization between the regional structural funds (ROP-ERDF and RDP-EAFRD) and therefore the effectiveness of the interventions to promote innovation in the regional agri-food sector, with particular regard to packaging and the use of new and sustainable materials.

After positive opinion by the Regional Agricultural Council, the call was approved by the Regional Council with resolution no. 153 of 10 February 2020, with a deadline at 18 September 2020 (three months of postponement due to COVID).

For the first time, in Emilia-Romagna Region - DG Agriculture, a European project has been mentioned (together with String project - another Interreg Europe project that ERR is managing) and it has influenced the content of an official regional call for proposal.

The resources put out to this call are 4,843,272.46 euros and of these, 1 million euro is allocated to projects concerning new materials and types of packaging, the core of Emilia-Romagna FC4EU Action Plan. 

The page of the Emilia-Romagna web-site in which there is the notice on the published call for proposal with all the references and the text in (Italian language) is:  https://agricoltura.regione.emilia-romagna.it/psr-2014-2020/bandi/bandi-2020/gruppi-operativi-del-partenariato-europeo-per-la-produttivita-e-la-sostenibilita-dellagricoltura