You can now access the new report on how our regions have responded to the COVID19 crisis in terms of introducing new digital policies, schemes and projects.
You can find the report on the Library section
You can now access the new report on how our regions have responded to the COVID19 crisis in terms of introducing new digital policies, schemes and projects.
You can find the report on the Library section
The new report on policy responses to COVID19 is now released!
Future-E inter-regional workshop: E-commerce: the path forward during the ‘new normal’
The purpose of the workshop is to present and discuss the COVID19 responses of the regions to digitilisation of SMEs
In South-East Finland in Kymenlaakso region a joint project funded by ERDF is being planned aspired by the good practices of Future-Ecom
The economic development agency of the district of Lippe and the city of Detmold have developed a practice-oriented and compact series of events for SMEs
“Ecommerce the path towards the future”
Key lessons learnt and findings from the Future-E project, presenting Future-Ecom project actions and findings.
The final conference of Future E-com is taking place on the 15th of December , 10.00 CET , online
The Interreg Europe Secretariat is currently looking for one Project Finance Officer (18 months contract).
The first project meeting of Phase II took place today
Future Ecom Kick-off meeting and first workshop 15-16th January 2019.