Project News

Conference shows benefits of Green Pilgrimage


‘Pilgrimage has the power to make a significant positive impact on Kent and the...

Type: Project

Photos of Canterbury launch conference


Delegates enjoyed four days in Kent learning about the benefits of Green...

Type: Project

Long distance for charity


UK comedian walks Britian's most ancient walking route in memory of his mother...

Type: Project

Beautiful Blog - Green Pilgrimage in Kent, UK


A beautiful blog about pilgrimage, walking in Kent and the wider benefits of...

Type: Project

Green Pilgrimage InfoGraphic Newsletter


Green Pilgrimage Newsletter to June 2017

Type: Project

6 days 139 km Via Francigena southern Italy


Kent Academics walk the Via Francigena of the South 139 km in 6 days

Type: Project

BBC Radio Programme on Pilgrimage


Pilgrimage and Tourism - UK National Radio Programme

Type: Project

Green Pilgrimage Launch


Inspiration from the Camino, Spain to St Olav Ways, Norway, - all in the...

Type: Project

Academic Perspectives on the Via Francigena by blog


Kent Academics record Via Francigena Pilgrimage from a variety of perspectives...

Type: Project

New Pilgrims Information at St Augustines Abbey


Canterbury City Council Promoting the Via Franacigena in the UK

Type: Project

A Pilgrim's Tale - Oslo to Rome Øivind Østang


Oslo to Rome - A Norwegian Pilgrims Tale - Øivind Østang

Type: Project

Green Pilgrimage Project Started


Pilgrimage - A new journey begins for faith groups, local authorities and local...

Type: Project