After two years with restrictions and countless online meetings, the partnership could finally meet physically. It was the first meeting since the kick-off in 2019
The GRESS study visit in Sofia was organized and hosted by PP5 Foundation Cleantech Bulgaria. The objective of the study visit was, in the first place, after two years of pandemic and limited travel, to bring the GRESS partners finally together at a point when action plans are being finalized and planning for Phase 2 is being initiated as well as to showcase good practices from Bulgaria that have already been incorporated as part of the partners’ action plans.
Therefore, for planning the agenda few aspects have been identified as important and have been taken into consideration: a) project coordination activities and steering committee meeting , b) work on the Action Plans, c) visit to Sofia Tech Park, and d) participation in the first edition of the Greenhouse Club (as part of Sofia Tech Park’s Clubhouse), launched by Cleantech Bulgaria.
Visit to Sofia Tech Park
The partners took a walk in Sofia Tech Park and got familiar with the Techno Magic Land – an interactive STEM center for children initiated, financed and implemented as a public-private partnership between the software company TechnoLogica EAD and Sofia Tech Park. The partners took a stroll through the experiments ranging from light, magnets and soap bubbles to VR and 3D printing and learned more about how the initiative was established and is being managed. Representatives of all partner regions expressed interest in the concept and exchanged contact details with the Techno Magic Land staff for further collaboration.
Greenhouse club at Sofia Tech Park’s Clubhouse – 1st edition devoted to ‘Start-up support in the GRESS regions’
PP5 hosted the first edition of the ‘Greenhouse Club – where we grow green innovation’ with the participation of the GRESS partners. Mrs. Mariyana Hamanova was chairing the session and Mr. Øyvind Lyngen Laderud (Kristiansand Municipality (LP), Mrs. Valeria Murgolo (Metropolitan City of Bologna (PP4) and Mr. Krzysztof Żarna (West Pomerania region (PP3) joined as speakers.
During the event the participants shared initiatives from the partner regions that could be of interest for the local ecosystem such as the Ecomondo, the Startoff tool, the Eco-lighthouse and others. Additionally, the speakers discussed the role of regions and municipalities of supporting start-ups and the importance of public-private partnerships and public procurement in the process.
The Greenhouse was live-streamed on Facebook pages of Cleantech Bulgaria and the Clubhouse and is available here:
Project meeting at Sofia Tech Park (Groworking space)
The final part of the meeting was devoted to coordination on the finalization of Phase 1 of GRESS, timeline, finances and remaining tasks. The discussion was around newsletters, reporting of increased capacity due to the project activities and finalization of the action plans. The LP shared design of cover pages for each action plan as well as some common texts to be inserted in all action plans.
Future collaboration
During this session the partners had a look at a resume of the call for proposals of Interreg Europe, prepared by PP5. They discussed the requirements and the eligibility criteria. All partners expressed general interest in applying to the Interreg Europe calls but at the same time concerns to cope with the current deadline of May 31st. However, the partners mapped the topics that would be of interest for each authority and decided to look into other opportunities like Horizon Europe, Erasmus+ and to consider preparing joint application for the next Interreg Europe call.