Green future for youth entrepreneurship - West Pomerania started to implement the first action
The Action Plan for Westpomeranian Region, adopted in May 2022, aims to help start-ups and SMEs take advantage of the opportunities offered by the transition to a green economy.
Already in June, West Pomerania started to implement the first action dedicated to foster youth inclusion in the green economy. As part of this action, secondary school pupils from six towns (Kołobrzeg, Szczecin, Szczecinek, Stargard, Koszalin and Wałcz) were able to learn how to manage virtual companies via an educational platform and thus learn the basics of green entrepreneurship in practice.
Students used an innovative learning tool i.e. Revas Business Simulations Games. Within the simulation, the participants make real business decisions by managing their virtual companies(hotel, car repair shop, event agency, travel agency, etc.), due to the possibility of experiencing the business. They could among others: create jobs, hire employees, set remunerations, buy equipment, invest in traditional and online advertising and set prices.
Thanks to the implementation of this tool, schools joined the elite group of Industry Business Innovators, which includes schools, universities, institutions and companies from all over Poland. In each school, up to 120 students could use the simulations.
After the summer holidays more students will be able to make first step towards their own business.
Startup Shaker workshops were also held in West Pomeranian secondary schools. Their aim was to shape entrepreneurial and creative attitudes and develop skills in running start-ups. During the workshops, students learned about business models, which they could apply to their ideas and test under the guidance of experienced coaches - representatives of the startup environment.
Students from schools in Sławno, Trzebiatow, Gryfino and Drawsko Pomorskie faced the challenge of creating their own start-ups. During two days of intensive classes, project teams learned the most important tools for constructing business models and applying them in practice. The students gained knowledge allowing them to efficiently determine competitive advantages, build marketing communication, estimate income and costs of a venture. In autumn the workshops will also take place in schools in: Dębno, Świdwin, Bornem Sulinowo, Choszczno, Szczecinek, Myślibórz.
The activities are financed from the funds of the Regional Operational Programme for the Westpomeranian Region 2014-2020, Priority Axis I Economy, innovation, modern technologies, Measure 1.18 Creation and expansion of the regional innovation system.