On 12-13 February 2020, the Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform organized a peer review on entrepreneurship for Karlovac County in Croatia with the representative of the GRESS project from the Westpomerania Region as a peer.
The Croatian side applied during 2019 a project for the establishment of regional centres of competence in vocational education with the main aim of strengthening the entrepreneurial potential and enhancing the culture of entrepreneurship from young ages and to strengthen stronger relationships between the private sector, higher education institutions and public research organizations.
During the two days of the peer review, all participants had the opportunity to present the institutions they represent and their interest in the education and the challenges they face in the area of SME competitiveness and development of entrepreneurial climate.
During the meeting Paweł Szeremet - Head of Innovation and Smart Specializations Unit at the Marshal’s Office of the Westpomeranian Region Centre for Economic Initiatives – presented good practices form West Pomerania also those planned during the GRESS project.
The Peer review was for all the participants very useful, especially because of the structure of the workshops and the opportunity for discussion with experts from Europe and the Interreg Europe Programme. This type of event is undoubtedly a great opportunity to exchange experiences and learn new approaches.