All five RSGs established!
As one of the main deliverables in the first semester of the GRESS project, each partner had to establish a Regional Stakeholder Group (RSG) of relevant organisations that play a role in the design and implementation of the policy addressed by the project in the given region. Now, despite COVID 19-related disruption, all five RSGs are established.
The GRESS project addresses five different policy instruments, and the RSGs are composed accordingly.
The RSG in Kristiansand is providing input on how to increase the number of high school and college students within science subjects and entrepreneurship programmes, as well as attracting more potential start-ups to incubator programmes. Further, facilitating access to venture capital and enabling SMEs to participate and succeed in public procurements for green products and services are also part of the focus areas.
Piraeus will work in fields relevant to its RIS3, such as agro-food (including fisheries), smart and sustainable transport and logistics, environmental technology, ICT, new and sustainable materials and building of low-emission vessels.
The regional smart specialisation strategy is the basis for all project activities in West Pomerania. The focus of attention is directed towards generating projects in support of start-ups within sectors such as the bioeconomy, "Green Chemistry", renewable energy, recycling and innovative packaging.
The Metropolitan City of Bologna has an excellent track record in supporting green businesses. At the heart of their approach are activities that allow local authorities to strengthen their capacity, to make Bologna attractive for young talents with promising ideas within the cleantech domain.
The RSG in Sofia supports initiatives for developing, mapping and adopting methodologies for supporting and financing start-ups and SMEs with green and sustainable business solutions. They also enable these green SMEs and start-ups to adopt practices for educational activities for EU regulations and implement them at the national level in the field of the green economy, Industry 4.0 and circular economy.