Which are the most advanced sectors in the Green Economy in Italy? Top-level for organic agriculture, good performance on the use of renewables, resource productivity and recycling, as well as investments in eco-innovation.
However, the Italian “Report on the state on the Green Economy 2019 ” is clear on that: to produce a systemic shift towards a less impacting economic ecosystem more constant positive trends are needed. This is particularly significant for those sectors where negative trends are still being encountered, such as inefficiency in energy consumption and unsustainable land use, still highly carbonized mobility sector and high level of greenhouse gas emissions.
Green economy in Emilia-Romagna
The main important sectors and clusters for companies in the green economy in Emilia-Romagna encompass the agro-industry, waste and reclamation, building, water cycle, energy, transport and mechanics. With regard to Industrial zones/industrial symbiosis, here are two important examples of the region: the Hera spa in Bologna and the Agro-industrial biomethane plant "Caviro" in Ravenna.
As regards European funds, each subject is free to participate in funding calls. The main important funding programme for "Industrial zones/industrial symbiosis" in Italy is the Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking
At the national level, we have specific laws supporting industrial enterprises on environmental taxation, on minimum environmental requirements for public procurement and on support for Green Public Procurement.
Finally, industrial districts (not necessarily green) in Italy have specific incentives in terms of taxation, administrative requirements, research and innovation.