All the iEER parners have been working hard with the regional action plans that are going to be implemented in the regions as of April 2018. The content of Helsinki meeting was a wrap-up putting together all the tasks needed before the shift from project's first phase to the second.
The iEER delegation started the meeting in the heart of Helsinki on a welcome dinner with Ossi Savolainen, the regional mayor of Helsinki-Uusimaa and the director of Laurea University of applied sciences Tuija Hirvikoski. We got a good sight on the Finnish foodculture in a traditional atmosphere of the restaurant Savotta.
If the first night was a relaxed reunion and networking, the actual work with the action plans started early next morning. The iEER delegation got to see the Uusimaa region beyond the Helsinki city center and travelled to Nuuksio national park in Espoo.
In Nuuksio we worked in the Finnish Nature Center Haltia's premises. The day consisted of the presentations of all the action plan followed by the peer feedback. We were happy to have Liisa Hyttinen, the specialist from Helsinki -Uusimaa regional council to facilitate the flow of the presentations. One of the project main outcomes, the iEER eBook also got reviewed by the partners during the day.

The frozen lake group-pic By Christine Chang. Snowballs by David Kaneswaran.
Ismael Abel Vallés, the expert from Alias Group is presenting the Valencia action plan for iEER.
Nuuksio view was calming and snowy.
The meeting day number two continued with partners presenting the sharing of the good practices on selected topics of Aula Emprende and Patent Bank from Valencia, Comeback Elbe-Elster from Brandenburg, Pepit from Hauts-de-France and Slush from Helsinki-Uusimaa.
The workshop was held above the roofs of Helsinki, in the hotel Torni topfloor. On the agenda there was the planning of the Mid-term conference in March, finance and reporting, discussions on the actions plans and the organisation of the second phase of the project.