IMPROVE project`s 2nd peer review online event will be held on 19-20.10. The aim of the meeting is to present governance and funding practices in Lapland and also open the discussion about challenges and find solutions to them.

The event consists of three sessions regarding Regional strategies and governance, funding practices and implementation of ERDF and Smart specialisation in Lapland. Arctic Smartness concept is the leading initiative for implementing smart specialisation based on regional cooperation.

On Session 1 we will have an overview of regional strategies and governance in Lapland. Session 2 will be focused on the implementation of ERDF and regional strategies in Lapland and co-operation both across regional borders and internationally.

Lastly, On Session 3 will be focused on stakeholders` perspective on implementation of Arctic Smartness and discussion about the challenge how to approach SMEs and innovation.


IMPROVE project Team, Lapland



Day 1 – 19.10.2020

9.00 - 9.15 Welcome to Lapland Peer Review

9.15 - 9.30 Presentation of Lapland (Mika Riipi, County Governor, Regional Council of Lapland)

9.30 – 9.40 Introduction to the project (Lucila Castro Rovillard, Foundation FUNDECYT Science and Technology Park of Extremadura, FUNDECYT-PCTEX)

9.40 – 9.50 Lapland: goals and expectations for IMPROVE (Samu Rötkönen, Regional Council of Lapland)


SESSION 1. Regional Strategies and Governance in Lapland

9.50 – 10.30 Regional Governance and Arctic Smartness (Päivi Ekdahl, Regional Council of Lapland)

10.30 – 11.00 Lapland Agreement and Smart Specialisation (Mervi Nikander, Regional Council of Lapland)

11.00 – 11.15 Conclusions

15-minute debate at the end of the presentations 


SESSION 2. Lapland`s Arctic Specialisation programme and the ERDF: How to improve the smart use of Structural Funds?  

13.30 – 13.45 Introduction

13.45 – 14.15 The implementation of ERDF and Arctic Specialisation programme in Lapland (Samu Rötkönen, Regional Council of Lapland)

14.15 – 14.45 Supporting the SMEs and the Lapland Agreement (Kari Skyttä, ELY-Centre)

14.45 – 15.15 Regional ecosystem and internationalisation (Kaarina Mäcklin, Regional Council of Lapland)

15.15 – 15.45 East and North Finland in Industrial Transition project (Ilari Havukainen, Project Manager, Regional Council of Lapland)

15.45 – 16.00 Conclusions

15-minute debate at the end of the presentations 


Day 2 – 20.10.2020

SESSION 3. Arctic Specialisation programme in practice: Stakeholders’ Perspective

8.30 – 8.45 Introduction

8.45 – 10.15 Challenge: How to approach SMEs and innovation?

• Circular Economy Cluster (Kimmo Heikka, Kemi Digipolis)

• RDI- Development Environments & case TEQU (Matti Vatanen, Lapland University of Applied Sciences)

• Municipalities` perspective (Jukka Lokka, Sodankylä municipality)

10.15 – 11.00 Discussion & closing remarks


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