The Official College of Graduates in Physical Education and in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences of the Valencian Community (COLEF CV) organized on February an expert conference to discuss different technical and legal strategies for the municipal implementation of exercise prescription programs supervised physicist and community health dynamization.

Prominent representatives of the regional governent as well as political representatives of municipalities interested in the implementation of these programs attented to the event.

The expert panel was made by health professionals with a long path in the field of primary care, nursing, podiatry, oncology, community action in public health, pediatrics, biomechanics; as well as recognized experts from all the faculties in Sciences of Physical Activity and Sport of the Valencian Community, in their lines of investigation of physical exercise, physical activity and health.

Enrique Alcantara, Sport Innovation Director at IBV, was there: “These types of initiatives, which have been developed in the Valencian Community since 2016 have meant a real reorientation towards prevention through physical activity and physical exercise.”

During the work session, attendees analyzed different strategies in the implementation in the community of "sports prescription" through prescription programs for physical activity and supervised physical exercise, in which professionals from the health sector (doctors and nurses) participate prescribing physical exercise and referring, where appropriate, to Graduates in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences, through multidisciplinary protocols in different primary care centers and hospitals.

“This procedure generates synergies in the optimization of municipal public resources through the formalization of agreements, in which professionals from the field of Physical Activity and Sports Sciences (sports managers and physical trainers) participate”, continues Giuseppe Caprara, Innovation Manager at IBV.

Some of the programs carried out have had special mentions by the WHO itself as outstanding examples of good practices in primary care for the promotion of health through physical activity and physical exercise.

Among them, the VIU-ACTIU program in Benicarló stands out, which has had very positive results and is already being replicated in other municipalities such as Cheste and developing in others.


For more information, visit COLEF webpage

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