Rural-Urban Partnerships Motivating Regional Economies synergises with Regional policies for innovation driven competitiveness and growth of rural SMEs.

Lombardy Foundation for the Environment presented INNOGROW project objectives, vision and up to date results within the third party event organized by Italian partner in Interreg Europe RUMORE consortium, on the April 18th 2018. Event took place in the headquarters of Lombardy Region, Milan, Italy.

Lombardy Foundation for the Environment, one of the two Italian partners of INNOGROW project, took part to the RUMORE meeting with regional stakeholders on April 18th. Interreg Europe project RUMORE “Rural-Urban Partnerships Motivating Regional Economies” is one of the three Interreg Europe projects promoting innovation and growth of rural SMEs in Lombardy (the third is P – IRIS) and it sees Lombardy Region, DG Territory, participate as project partner. The meeting was intended to present the recent measures implemented from the Region to promote innovation in rural areas, as well as finalize the final agenda of the RUMORE Study Visit in Lombardy (15th – 18th of May).

During the meeting, FLA staff presented INNOGROW project, its vision and the objectives. The meeting was a useful opportunity to meet regional stakeholders from rural districts and discuss about the most recent innovations in rural SMEs. The experience of INNOGROW project will be presented in details during the introductory workshop of the Study Visit on 15th May, to provide to a broad board of stakeholders, as well as all RUMORE partners, the main factors and opportunities that can lead to innovation in rural SMEs.

The cooperation with RUMORE and other projects focusing on innovation of rural SMEs is one of the most important activities implemented in Lombardy to increase the exchange of best practices between international stakeholders and institutions. Since the close connection between the goals that these projects pursue, there is a need for a joint effort to optimize resources available and support the managing authority for the next measures to be implemented. The cooperation between the projects started in 2017 with the participation of RUMORE representatives to the Interregional Workshop in Lecco.