Social Innovations and knowledge sharing for a circular sustainable economy


Lombardy Foundation for the Environment attended and presented INNOGROW on the Innovation for Sustainable Development Network workshop, organised in June 7th 2018 in Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan, Italy.


Lombardy Foundation for the Environment attended the workshop Operational Networks to Work on and Diffuse Green Business at the Regional Level addressing the Innovation for sustainable development network EU project.

General goals of the workshop were: to share knowledge from and for a broad community of experts who work in the field of circular economy, sustainable development and innovation. The workshops involved a heterogeneous community of experts on social innovation, knowledge sharing and their interaction participating to European projects with the aim to strengthening the relationships among Inno4SD network and other European networks and EU funded projects.

During the workshop main outcomes from several EU projects were presented and discussed: Inno4SD network, Interreg Europe INNOGROW, Interreg “Perfect”, Interreg “Ecowaste4food”, Interreg Central Europe “Protech2Save”, Interreg Central Europe “Hicaps”, Climate KIC project “Smart Sustainable Districts”, EU funded AguaSocial FP7 Project.