Bulgarian partner shared good practices from the INNOGROW partners on the Plovdiv event organized by Stabil Agro Trade, a prominent Bulgarian company
Venelin Dobrev from the team of SZREDA, Bulgaria took part in the presentations for the third party event AGRO FORUM which was organized in the city of Plovdiv on the 23rd of February (Thursday). The event began in the early afternoon with presentation of the main sponsor and organizer – Stabil Agro Trade. The agenda of the event was separated in two main subjects – innovation in the agricultural sector and funding opportunities from the EU for rural economy SMEs. After the speakers finished there was a networking part with discussion.
The first part of theme of the speakers was named “New trends in agriculture” and was about innovation in the agricultural sector with two lectures and the presentation of the INNOGROW project. The first one was about innovative ways of watering the fields, farms and crops by using new types of water pumps and underground watering with a special type hoses. The second lecture was about innovative ways of planting and growing fruit trees and maintaining high yield through the years.
After the two lectures Venelin Dobrev presented the INNOGROW project, the problems that the project aims to solve, the current development of the project activities and shared some good practices in the area of adoption of innovative business models by rural SMEs. After the presentation there was a coffee break that turned into discussion in which people from the audience shared their experience regarding the investment and promotion of innovation in rural SMEs.
The second part of the event was focused around the different types of funding that is available for rural SMEs in Bulgaria. Regarding the financing of innovation special attention was provided for the presentation of Horizon 2020 and the possibilities that it offers.
After the event there was a networking part in which people from the audience met with the speakers. One specific problem for Bulgaria that was addressed by a businessman is that in the country there is still no EU funding available for specific type of business in the rural areas – development of public or public-private hunting areas.