The action plan of Central European Institute of Technology (CEITEC BUT) is being implemented within the framework of Interreg Europe 2014-2020 project “Sharing Strategies for European Research and Innovation Infrastructures (INNO INFRA SHARE)” .

The actions focus on the growth of collaboration between the industrial partners and technology centers (preferably internationally), and on the acceleration of the technology transfer at the technology centers. Although there have been global limitations to travel and meeting the partner institutions, and therefore fewer chances to develop the mutual links and cooperation opportunities on the national and international level, CEITEC BUT is happy to leverage the growth of the opportunities through implementation of the following.

We trust it is essential to create an expedient environment for the commercialization, and entrepreneurial spirit at CEITEC BUT. Therefore, a set of specific tools have been implemented to support and encourage our researchers. CEITEC BUT closely cooperates with the regional Business Incubator JIC, and encourages our researchers to take an active role in the commercialization process. CEITEC BUT financially supports the researchers in the process of formation of a startup company, and through the network of partner institutions supporting the researchers in connecting them with potential business partners. In addition, technology transfer plays an important role in coordinating the communication between the researchers and Brno University Technology.

The aim of CEITEC BUT is to support each and every commercialization case our researcher wishes to spin out. Up until now CEITEC BUT has assisted in the formation of 2 startup companies, and our aim would be to have one spin of company founded every year. At the same time, we are well aware, it is even more important to those companies to survive first 5 years since their foundation. Both of the current companies have succeeded in this regard.

In terms of the internationalization, a consortium of three different Technology Centres in the Czech Republic created a partnership in order to utilize Nanofabrication facilities for industrial partners and external users. This is called CzechNanoLab. At the same time, CzechNanoLab became a member of EuroNanoLab which is the infrastructure containing 44 cleanrooms and nanofabrication centres across Europe.

Brno University of Technology has established a partnership with Czech National Business and Investment Development Agency ( to broaden the cooperation towards foreign corporations establishing their R&D presence in the Czech Republic.

Conducting a number of events and lately webinars related to Technology Transfer, Commercialization and Entrepreneurship (Prof. Ronen Kreizman from Weizmann Institute giving us a talk on Best Practices in TechTransfer), Industry 4.0 Conference dedicated to local manufacturing corporations or GE workshop focused on Non-destructive testing, and possibilities to partner with CEITEC BUT.

CEITEC BUT has also awarded the first two researchers for their innovative projects intending to commercialize them.

More information about the Action plan for CEITEC BUT can be found here.

All partners forming the INNO INFRA SHARE project consortium have successfully completed Phase 1 of the project which culminated in the development of the Action plans for each region involved, and are currently implementing the Phase 2 of the project during which these action plans are impelled and their implementation progress is being regularly monitored. The Phase 2 of the project will end in December 2020. The main results of the project will be showcased during the final conference.