On the 13th December Brno University of Technology organised its second stakeholder meeting in Brno, Czech Republic. Representatives from several universities, Central European Institute of Technology, Ministry of Regional Development and Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports gathered together to learn about the project’s good practices, the past Study visits of the INNO INFRA SHARE project to The Netherlands and Belgium and to Italy, as well as the results of the Peer Review meeting in Brno.

The stakeholders discussed the main obstacles to effective Research & Development support outlined by Mrs Vaverková's from Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports. The discussion was mainly focused on state aid issues, where stakeholders suggested some practical solutions that could be part of partner's Action Plan on how to positively affect Research and Innovation infrastructures and improve their accessibility by SMEs. Second part of the discussion was focused on massive bureaucracy, which burdens all recipients of the public support. Some possible ways of how to facilitate complicated administration on grant projects were also discussed.