Last year was marked by an active interregional learning process in the INNO INFRA SHARE project where partners from 8 European regions worked on their regional context profiles and Research and Innovation Infrastructure (RII) mapping and identification of good practices. During study visits to other regions and peer review meetings between partners a total of 20 good practices were identified that address solutions to improve RII governance, management, visibility, and accessibility by companies.

We would like to introduce to you our 20 good practices that are gathered in an e-booklet 20 GOOD PRACTICES – ACCESSIBILITY OF RESEARCH AND INNOVATION INFRASTRUCTURES IN EUROPE, available on our project website.

This e-booklet illustrates 20 examples of the potential of RIIs to serve as enablers of competitiveness, economic and social growth, and it can be used as an inspiring tool for the development of strategies and improvement of policies for sharing RIIs in Europe. This e-booklet can be useful to policy-makers, companies, research and innovation actors, RII owners and a wider innovation community to get an insight into regional strategies and good practice examples on sharing RIIs. In the e-booklet, amongst other examples, you will find out about dedicated test labs in Belgium and Sweden where academia and industry can meet to test new technologies and work on innovation, about cross-border open innovation R&D centre in The Netherlands and others. The e-booklet contains a description of each good practice, evidence of their achievement, lessons learned, potential for learning and transfer and contact information of each good practice owner. We hope that you will find this material an inspirational and useful tool!  

This year project partners have begun elaborating their local action plans to improve policy instruments in each partner region that will positively affect RIIs and improve their accessibility by SMEs. Action plans will be presented during INNO INFRA SHARE Final conference in Brussels in November 2018 (specific date to be announced on our website). The conference will present methods for regional policy improvement, international good practices and case studies. Sharing of experience and interactive discussions in thematic workshops and round tables will be organised.