⏰ 1st September, 12.00 to 14.30 Greek time
The European transport companies are leading innovators. Transport innovation can contribute to tackle major societal challenges, which are becoming more urgent by the day. This session will be organised as part of the 10th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS on TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH and will present the results of the INNOTRANS project, funded by the Interreg Europe programme. The project aimed to assist regions in creating a funding strategy that builds upon existing and potential areas of competitive advantage, avoiding fragmentation and insularity and linking and leveraging the assets in new and different ways.
Examples of actions and good practices will be presented on how regions can build a culture of continuous innovation that minimizes innovation risks and maximizes its returns. Based on regions’ strengths and innovation potential, suggestions on how to improve current measures or introduce new ones will be communicated , in terms of supporting transport innovation public funding schemes as key element of transport innovation infrastructure, taking into consideration the current picture of the innovative milieu in the regions.
The link to attend is: zoom.us/j/96012840322
You can also follow us on the Innotrans FB event page: fb.me/e/1HT05gPUD