The Transport Innovation Framework Report is a common document of the INNOTRANS project partners which contains information on innovation capacity in transport sector. Using the same approach from all project partners, it integrates the findings from the partner regions in a consolidated version providing an overall image on the status of innovation capacity in transport sector in the involved regions.

The report outlines the transport innovation landscape within the five regions included in the project: Abruzzo, West Midlands, South-East, Central Macedonia and Prague. The Regions involved reflect diverse territories and degrees of development. Partner regions performance is unequal and provides a variety of experiences which makes it especially useful for improving policy interventions.

Main findings

In the analysed regions, innovation relates specially to process innovation and most often directly correlates to the presence and dynamics in the university and academic sector in general in the region as well as to the existence of collaboration between universities and the business sector.

Some Regions, such as South-East, Abruzzo and Central Macedonia have a greater focus on being the driver for innovation and a policy actor. They conduct strategies on innovation in transport while financing key investment projects financed under various sources such as ERDF. The key innovation drivers are stakeholders’ collaboration and the role of the public authorities.

The economic dynamic of the regions is a key driver also for investment in Research and Development and especially for investments in innovation. Key infrastructure indicators are important incentives to develop innovative policies in the transport sector. When a region is connected by multiple transport modes, the chances for innovation are even bigger.

Regions analysed

West Midlands (UK) is focusing its activities on advanced manufacturing and engineering that represent a key driver of economic growth in the region. Universities are key drivers for West Midlands innovation which creates a potentially powerful and influential research hub.

Abruzzo Region (Italy) occupies a pivotal location in the middle of the Adriatic Corridor, a multi-modal transport network, which re-establishes the role of the Adriatic Sea as a major cross-border region characterized by cultural exchanges and economic cooperation.

Prague (Czech Republic) is the economic centre of the country and also a hub when it comes to economic relations in Czech Republic. Almost one-third of all the organisations performing research and development are in Prague.

Central Macedonia (Greece) has a very good dynamic in terms of growth, especially considering the multimodal capacities of the region and the activity of the academic sector.

South East Region (Romania) has a good activity in improving public transportation, especially using ESIF. Public transportation as well as private investments in auto industry are a key feature.

Download the report.

Notes to Editors

The INNOTRANS project is co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) under the Interreg Europe territorial cooperation framework. The project’s international partners are the United Kingdom, Italy, Greece, and Romania. The project aims to establish an action plan with specific projects to be implemented in each region. The project is scheduled over five years, with a completion date of 31 December 2021.

Project partners:

Coventry University Enterprises Ltd (United Kingdom), City of Prague (Czech Republic), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece), Abruzzo Region (Italy), South-East Regional Development Agency (Romania)