The Policy Learning Platform will offer an online theme session on innovation for grand societal challenges on Wednesday, September 8, 2021, from 14:00 to 17:00 CET.

What is the session about?

There is a growing interest in addressing great social concerns in the European Union, which is shifting research and innovation policy dynamics toward challenge- and mission-oriented innovation policies. A challenge-oriented approach, on the other hand, necessitates specific public sector capacities for coordination and directionality, as well as an innovation ecosystem with appropriate scientific and technological assets to properly address them.

Participants in the Thematic online Workshop will be able to debate and share their experiences with promoting innovation in relation to great societal concerns such as health, agri-food, and water and to address great societal challenges, create awareness about the necessity of missions and challenge-oriented innovation policies.

Here you can find the full agenda of the event. Interested? Register to the event, here