Access to finance is one of the most significant challenges that smaller farms in the EU face. Precisely because of that, the European Commission's Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development (DG AGRI), in collaboration with the European Investment Bank, is organizing a conference called 'Access to finance for smaller farms in the EU', which will be held on May 17, from 9h20 to 13h30 CET, in Brussels and online.
The conference will focus on the support available for smaller farms under the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), including through EAFRD financial instruments and microfinance schemes. The Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development, Janusz Wojciechowski, and the Deputy Chief Executive of the European Investment Fund, Roger Havenith, will open the session.
The conference is expected to bring together high-level policymakers and managers from agricultural national administrations; agricultural attaches; experts from EAFRD managing authorities involved in the establishment of financial instruments as well as the drafting and negotiation of CAP Strategic Plans; experts from Paying Agencies and Certification Bodies; and financial intermediaries (banks) involved or interested in the many EAFRD initiatives.
Although the participation is free of charge, registration is needed and should be submitted until May 12 at 17h CET, both for those attending. The number of seats on-site is limited.
The conference's primary language will be English, but there will be simultaneous interpretations in French, German, Italian, and Spanish.
Take a look at the Programme
Venue: The Hotel, Bd. de Waterloo 38, 1000 Brussels