Innova-FI team, represented by Alexandre Almeida (ANI), Dejan Hribar (GODC) and Andreia Mendes (SERN), could not miss the three action-packed days full of learning, inspiration and presentation of results of “Europe Let’s Cooperate”.

This networking event brought together over 500 participants from across 30 countries to meet and exchange experience on projects, success stories, results and action plans. During the opening session on the 10 April, keynote speakers discussed the importance of Interreg Europe for the Cohesion Policy. The main ideas from the session related to the growing role and importance of interregional cooperation, laying foundations and paving the way for regions to realise their full potential impact of interregional cooperation. The second session “When Europe cooperates: results worth sharing” sought to dig deeper into the world of interregional cooperation, focusing on a journey across Europe to discover how Interreg Europe has impacted the regions.  

The afternoon brought together a number of thematic sessions and the chance to explore and experience different dimensions of interregional cooperation, through hosting or joining a networking session in the networking zone, discussing questions with the Interreg Europe staff and the Policy Learning Platform experts, and learning more about policy learning activities.

Image: Innova-FI Networking Table on the 10 April

The third day, 11th of April 2019, focused on action plans, and covered, the Interreg programme requirements for action plans along with tips and tricks for designing successful action plans. Via peer to peer learnings, the participants shared and supported the new generation of Interreg Europe project partners on how to:

  • Design successful action plans,
  • Mobilise stakeholders,
  • Transfer good practices and experiences
  • Achieve results through the implementation of action plans.

For further information and resources from the event visit the "Europe Let’s Cooperate" page: .