Friuli Innovazione hosted the third local stakeholder group meeting on Decembre 4th. Stakeholders representing both the private and public sector shared their feedbacks and opinions on financial instruments which could be implemented in the Friuli Venezia Giulia region. The group has discussed advantages and potential hindrances of several innovative financial instruments among which minibond, co-investment with business angels, crowdlending, crowdfunding, microcredit and participative loans. The ambition of the task force of stakeholders activated in FVG is to identify a subset of instruments that will be included in the regional action plan.

The good practices in the implementation of financial instruments learned during the exchange of experiences have been presented to the attendees with the goal to provide them with useful insights for the definition of FI that can be implemented in the local context. Moreover, the participants received a copy of the first Innova-FI policy booklet on equity-type instruments.

The representatives of the Managing Authority of the ROP ERDF that attended the meeting have shown a good commitment to include new financial instruments in the next programming period. More intensive use of financial instruments should allow more efficient usage of EU structural funds and should boost the synergies between the public and the private financial sector.


Photos of the Local Stakeholder Group Meeting