The third Local Stakeholder Group meeting of Innova-FI project organised by ARSSA was held together with the SmartFI project meeting. Taking the advantage of international experts that were present at the meeting, ARSSA decided to connect those to events together, as the topic of both projects is very similar.

Representatives of institutions related to the FIs, both from Greece and Portugal as well as the Managing Authority from Silesia Region, were very interested in the financial instruments presented by the Bielski Capital Fund (BFPK) – an institution that used to be a separate fund for the entrepreneurs and since January 2020 is a part of ARRSAs structure as the Entrepreneurship Support Fund. The most interesting instrument presented that day was the surety for the tender deposits instead of cash payment for the entrepreneurs.

Further cooperation was also agreed with the Managing Authority in terms of programming financial instruments in the next financial perspective, especially in terms of venture capital that MA wants to include in their offer (on the base of our experience within Beskid Technology Accelerator).

A new issue has arisen during the meeting, being suggested to think in Financial Instruments that will reinsure the loans for high-risk startups (especially, since there was a gap in the market) and to take a closer look and make a research in terms of good practices in this area.

The dissemination of Innova-FI project was also ensured within the SmartFI project structure.