Analysis of Good Practices in terms of BIKVA

The selection process of these Good Practices was made by Intencive BSB team (3 experts & 1 director) based on its knowledge of regional health & biotech ecosystem & projects, and also in cooperation with its intencive stakehoders (GCS e-Santé Bretagne, Brittany Region, ARS).

 Source: Tumisu, Pixabay

From july 2020 till january 2021, the 2 step-interviews were conducted by the European project manager of BSB, in link with 2 BSB experts specialized in health development, techMed and e-health (for preparing and reporting them).

Among these Good Practices, 6th went through the first customer group interview with the Bikva model. In link with COVID-19 pandemic all interviews (except one) were made with videoconferencing tools. The persons interviewed were health professionals (doctors, nurses, administrative teams etc) and patients using e-health tools. The number of persons interviewed during first step varied from 1 to 8 persons. In link with their involvement in the COVID crisis and the lack of time of health professionals, sometimes several interviews were conducted for each GPs. For a total of 14 interviews on 6 GPs.

 Source: Gerd Altmann, Pixabay

Second step of Bikva interviews involved managers and decision-makers. BSB team in link with its stakeholders, chose to continue with the next step of Bikva interviews with 5 GPs. The decision was also taken in link with the Intencive partners survey specific interest on the GPs selected for the 1sr step interviews.

The final Breton GPs are :

1)Good practice: VIGILANS/ application for monitoring patients who have attempted suicide when they leave the hospital

2)Good practice: Teleconsultation in ophthalmology between hospital (Rennes/Janzé) and retirement homes

3)Good practice: Telemedecine in Brittany (e-KerMed tool & Experience of Pôle St Hélier)

4)Good practice: GWALENN regional portal facilitating the health pathways of patients

5)Good practice: REHAB LAB : 3D printing to design technical aids

The evaluation process enabled to extract the main added values, limits of these tools and to make various miscellaneous recommendations. Biotech Santé Bretagne is presently studying the other european BPs of INTENCIVE partners in link with its stakeholders in order to decide which ones might be transferred to its territory and inspire its practices.