Biotech Santé Bretagne presented INTENCIVE project and its action plan on its general assembly which took place in Saint Malo on june 29, 2022.
More than 60 participants were attending.
The transfer of the’Showroom on health & well beeing technologies’ good practice from Finland in Bretagne in the innovation center COWORK’HIT in Ploemeur focusing on innovating technologies used by disabled persons. In Kerpape reeducation center.
During Biotech Santé Bretagne general assembly in Saint Malo, a specific moment was dedicated to the presentation of INTENCIVE project and Bretagne regional action plan aiming to transfer the finnish showroom in the innovation center COWORK’HIT in Ploemeur focusing on innovating technologies used by disabled persons. The COWORK’HIT is located in Kerpape reeducation center which expertise in the field of reeducation for disabled persons is very famous for years.
The implementation of the showroom was described and the first actions presented such as : a survey sent to SMEs, trainings and an innovation breakfast organised on june 27, 2022.
Several spaces in the COWORK’HIT an in Kerpape centre were used for the showroom activities.
The next activities will be some demonstrations for SMEs.
2 projects were presented :
- Communication aids « Equipe & Moi en CAA » AAP AACTA
- Experimentation locations in Health (AAP Tiers Lieu d’expérimentation en santé
Showroom activities will be then developed in partnership with Biotech Santé Bretagne, Kerpape, Ildys, Pôle St-Hélier to cover as much as possible other locations in Brittany. (Rennes, Brest, Ploemeur).