The Commission for energy sustainability of the Vitoria-Gasteiz City Council has been established .

The Commission has begun its work after the Mayor of Vitoria-Gasteiz, Gorka Urtaran, signed last September, the decree for the creation of the Interdepartmental Commission for the Coordination of Energy Sustainability. This body will be responsible for the necessary coordination between the different municipal departments that consume energy and have the capacity to manage and spend on energy matters. Specifically, these are the departments of Territory and Climate Action, Mobility and Public Space, the Treasury and the Municipal Administration and Digital Transformation.

Law 4/2019 on Energy Sustainability in the Basque Country establishes the regulatory pillars of this matter in the field of public administrations and the private sector, in order to promote energy saving and efficiency measures, as well as the promotion and implementation of renewable energies. Among other measures, the law establishes that each institution will have a commission for energy sustainability.

Among the commission's functions, it is worth highlighting the creation of an inventory of buildings, vehicles and public lighting installations, the establishment of baseline levels of global energy consumption and the elaboration of the general municipal energy action plan.

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