The annual Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) Energy Awards names Jessica Kelly, a 5th Year secondary school student in Dalkey, Dublin as the winner of the Emerging Sustainable Energy Champion Award 2020. Jessica has been nominated by the local Dalkey Sustainable Energy Community group as an emerging champion in sustainability.

The Dalkey community joined the SEAI Sustainable Energy Community Programme during the start of 2020 and launched a ‘Save Energy’ show to raise awareness and publicise its initiatives among the local residents and businesses. Speakers of all ages well-versed in sustainability were invited to join and a transition year teacher from Loreto School nominated Jessica to speak at the event.

Following the show, organisers were extremely impressed with the presentation delivered and clearly demonstrated Jessica Kelly as a young champion. The Dalkey community were delighted to hear their local young advocate for sustainable energy won the SEAI Award.

Speaking of her achievement, Jessica Kelly expresses her delight in winning the award, “I’m absolutely thrilled to have won the Emerging Sustainable Energy Champion Award…I’m honoured and I hope I can do justice by continuing being an advocate for the environment within my community.”

She also shares her vision for the community, “if there’s one thing I’d like to see people do when it comes to the fight against climate change, I’d like to see people re-evaluate and reassess how we travel especially at the minute we are not travelling. We have a golden opportunity to think about how we can cut the environmental cost of our journeys – even if that just means walking, cycling, sharing lifts or even just doubling up some of our journeys to make the most of our resources, I think that we have a golden opportunity right now and we should make the best of it.”


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