The EU Horizon 2020 project called COMPILE has released a regulatory framework for Energy Communities in its pilot countries – Croatia, Spain, Greece, Portugal and Slovenia.

The objective of the project is to integrate community power in energy islands, “to foster the development of local energy systems and boost the use of local energy sources through innovative storage solutions supported by new organisational measures and business models”.

The regulatory framework refers to the emerging energy communities which in most cases act in the context of an ongoing transposition of the EU Clean Energy Package. The framework produced by the COMPILE consortium aims to assess the current legal and regulatory framework conditions for energy communities in the pilot countries and to discuss the experiences made with the current frameworks in the pilot countries as well as the role of different types of actors.

It provides overall lessons for implementing energy communities in the respective countries complemented by general lessons on organisational setups and needed framework conditions. Finally, the regulatory framework also aims at providing insights and recommendations for further policy and regulatory processes

The project aims to show the opportunities of energy islands for decarbonisation of energy supply, community building and creating environmental and socioeconomical benefits.

Similarly, another EU Horizon 2020 project called UP-STAIRS is a three-year Citizen Engagement and Energy Collective Action project which aims to develop a standard framework for the growth of energy communities. As part of this, it will facilitate citizen participation in the transition from a ‘consumer-market’ to a ‘prosumer-market’.

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