The fifth project management group meeting of the Interreg Europe Intensify project takes place tomorrow. It will be a different sort of meeting for two reasons. It will be the first time one to be attended by the new project partners ENERGAP ( Energap are a Slovenian energy agency based in the city of Maribor and the region of Podravje in Slovenia. The meeting will be guided by the project secretariat and lead by representatives from AGENEAL, the energy agency of Almada (Portugal). All project partners will be represented at the meeting.
The second difference is that the meeting will be held on line due to the travel restrictions imposed to combat the COVID-19 virus pandemic. This is the first time that the group have conducted their project review meetings in this way. It was originally planned to hold the meeting in the Croatian city of Zadar.
The format has been trialled by the Project Management team on more than one occasion, and no impediments to a successful meeting are anticipated.
Intensify aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through intense community engagement by targeting communities utilising digital and other social platforms and motivating communities through the use of financial instruments.