A virtual workshop on Integrated Storage Systems for Residential Buildings will take place between October 27th and October 30th 2020 with a panel of researchers as part of the digital event called Sustainable Places 2020. The workshop will discuss and share the latest research findings on innovative integrated storage systems for both existing and new residential buildings to be presented to the EU community.  

Developing efficient energy storage is part of the solution to fighting climate change by synchronising the overall energy supply and demand at residential, district, and urban level, and transition towards carbon neutral economy. The current technologies for thermal storage are mostly based on water but researchers are working on designing systems based on alternatives such as thermochemical materials.  

The improved solutions aims to increase storage density and efficiency while integrating renewable energy sources to reduce carbon emissions in EU buildings. It also has added benefits which helps enhance European energy security, and tackle energy poverty and unemployment. 

The participating projects in the workshop are MINISTOR, HEAT INSIDE, HYBUILD, and InteGRIDy funded by EU Horizon 2020 dedicated to researching low energy consumption buildings in the EU. 

Sustainable Places 2020 is a digital event discussing the themes of Circular Economy, Digital Twins, Buildings Integrated Photovoltaics, Local Energy Communities, and Sustainable Digital Infrastructure running from October 27th-30th, 2020. 


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