Want to know what INTER VENTURES is about? Have a look what we were working on the second period of the project!
Check out our 2nd newsletter here: 2nd newsletter
Want to know what INTER VENTURES is about? Have a look what we were working on the second period of the project!
Check out our 2nd newsletter here: 2nd newsletter
The closing event of the project, which was held in Pécs, on November 3, 2022 at 10 a.m. As part of the closing event, it was a conference.
The closing event of the project, which will be held in Pécs, at the Kodály Center (7622 Pécs, Breuer Marcell sétány 4.) on November 3, 2022, starting at 10 a.m
The date has been set
INTERVENTURES project will hold its last partner meeting and final event on 3, November in Pécs, Hungary (hybrid meeting foreseen).
Society for the development of Burgos and European Business and Innovation Centre participate as partners in the Interreg Europe project INTER VENTURES.
This year In February, the project entered the second phase of implementation.
Inter Ventures' first phase was delivered, and now project partners are concentrating on a second one which will end on the 31st of January 2023.
INTERVENTURES stepped into the second phase of its implementation.
On February 15 project partners had the first Phase 2 kick-off meeting.
Inter Ventures is an interregional cooperation project funded by the Interreg Europe Programme for improving Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) competitiveness
We are excited to share our final project video about Inter Ventures Action Plan- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E3RboEzj9sA