The presentation of draft action in a flowchart was shown by each region during the online workshop on 8th of October. Visualized actions in the flowchart has 4 main elements:
- original good practices of other project partners from the Knowledge Exchange Workshop .
- transferred elements of these good practices: so which elements of the original good practice is selected to apply and transfer into the region and why it is considered as adaptable.
- action which is developed based on the lessons learned.
- related policy change: what is the policy change which make possible the implementation of the action, or which part of the action is a policy change.
These 4 elements are basically in line with the structure of the action plan. Also, the feedback by the advisory partner and the LP was received, which is very important for improving the all the action planning steps.
The goal of the whole exercise was to develop the main points of project partners actions which can be further explained in elaborated texts in Regional Policy Recommendation.
Finally, there was a briefing on the Action Planning Webinar held by the JS, briefing on the Internationalisation event and upcoming tasks overview help by LP, AEBR and Klaipeda ID at the end of the meeting.