On the 24th of November 2021, NECCA organized a meeting among stakeholders involved in IAS management. The meeting was held as an on-line event, and was attended by 44 stakeholders, representing public authorities, management bodies of protected areas, universities/research centres, and hunters' and fishers' associations. The main subject of the meeting was awareness raising and networking in IAS management. Relevant projects focusing on specific species or taxa, such as Alientoma and Lionhare, and also the new projects planned as part of the INVALIS Action Plan, were presented. The progress of the ongoing project on a national IAS list and the drafting of a Joint Ministerial Decision for implementing the Regulation (EU) 1143/2014 on IAS were also discussed. The meeting was part of the implementation of Action 3 of the INVALIS Action Plan (establishing an IAS Management Working Group).