In the current situation, in which traveling around Europe and meeting colleagues in person is only possible limitedly, the KISS ME partners still tried to make the best out of the situation and met each other virtually. 

Although the corona-situation slowed down many processes in all European regions, the implementation of the KISS ME action plan is still progressing in the partner regions. 

To give you an insight in the current processes in each region, the Euregio Rhine-Waal, in the Dutch-German border region, is currently busy meeting with stakeholders and policy makers to have the action plan implemented in their region. The Euroregion Pyrenees-Mediterranean, our partner on the French-Spanish borders, are preparing and setting up the launch of their pilot for a Euroregional Research & Innovation Call, as foreseen in their action plan. At the Hungarian-Croatian border regions, our partner HAMAG-BICRO, is still re-structuring and has already restructured the structure of their support scheme B-Light based on the KISS ME action plan. And last but not least, our partners at the Swedish-Norwegian border, Värmland County Administrative Board and Innlandet County Council, have launched an elaborated survey for SMEs to identify the biggest obstacles for SMEs to engage in cross-border cooperation and the cross-border policy instrument INTERREG A Sweden-Norway.

In these strange times it is great to see that the partners are still committed to implement the action plans that have been elaborated within the framework of the KISS ME project. Although technology enabled the partnership at least to see each other virtually, the KISS ME partners hope to be able to meet each other in person in the next semester to be able to finalise the project together. 

If you are interested in the KISS ME action plans, check out our library