The end of June signalled the end of the 3rd semester of our project. 1.5 years of activities already completed (doesn’t time fly!!), half way through Phase 1.

We’re all looking forward to a hard earned summer break, but before that let’s have a quick look at what MARIE partners got up to between January and June 2018.

  • They completed a survey with 23 enterprises, finding out about their innovation processes and what drives or limits responsibility. Our Advisory Partner, AUEB-RC, has produced a full codification of results, which will be available here soon!
  • They mapped their regions in terms of Responsible Innovation Maturity and used results to identify experiences from other partners that could help to address the least mature aspects of their policy framework.
  • They participated in the 4th Interregional Learning event, hosted by Regional Council of Tampere and University of Tampere, which included a series of exchange sessions and a seminar on integrating responsibility into Open Innovation platforms (in cooperation with 6Aika).
  • They began work on their Action Plans, using a template prepared by AUEB-RC, which supports them to define where they are in terms of policy to support Responsible Innovation in their RIS3 sectors, where they want to be and how to get there.
  • They worked with regional stakeholders to gather input and points of view of each phase of activities.
  • They got in touch with a number of other projects, all working on Responsible Innovation, to promote synergy and exchange. These include: MARINA, SMART-map and COMPASS.
  • They started planning the Mid-Term event, which will be held on October 16th in Dublin together with the Responsible Innovation Summit.

Watch this space to see what happens in Semester 4!!

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