Last week we let you know that RRI-PRACTICE and SMART-Map had confirmed attendance at our Mid-Term event, being held on 16th October 2018 within the Responsible Innovation Summit.
This week we are excited to share two more fabulous confirmations: MARINA and RRING!
We have talked about MARINA before, as we started cooperation a while ago. MARINA promotes responsibility within the marine sector, bringing stakeholders together in a community to address the huge problems faced by our marine ecosystem. Their engagement activities include the Marine Knowledge Sharing Platform, as well as a series of Mobilisation and Mutual Learning Workshops and exhibitions. More information on their website and Facebook page.
RRING – Responsible Research and Innovation Networking Globally - wants to offer a methodology and guidelines that globally unify knowledge and studies on RRI projects. Mutual learning and collaboration is being achieved thanks to the formation of the global RRING community network and by the development and mobilisation of a global Open Access RRI knowledge base. 21 partners from across the globe are working together on this project. More information on their website and twitter page.
Can’t wait to learn more about them at the event. The full agenda will be available here soon.
Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash.