MARIE partner Southern Regional Assembly has already integrated RRI into the monitoring of large scale projects funded by the ROP ERDF and administered by Science Foundation Ireland. 

But they didn’t stop there….

The Regional Spatial Economic Strategy (RSES) for the Southern Region Ireland was published and came into effect on the 31st January 2020.

This statutory instrument sets out the sustainable development framework for the Southern Region over the next 12 years. From now on, City & County Development Plans and Local Economic & Community Plans (LECPs) will have to be fully consistent with the RSES.

 Image courtesy of Ireland's Content Pool

The RSES contains an explicit reference to RRI championing the message that innovation should deliver measurable benefit for society. The RRI policy keys have informed many of the Regional Policy Objectives detailed throughout the strategy.

This is an amazing achievement, which integrates responsibility into a long-term regional development model. We are excited and proud that MARIE was part of this change.

Cover photo by Vlad Hilitanu on Unsplash