Following a successful application, Funchal was one of the peers selected to participate in the intensive workshop “Framing the Urban Logistic Strategy” that took place on the 29th and 30th of September.

The City of Warsaw hosted an on-line peer review meeting which was organized in collaboration with Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform. The main goal was to discuss the issues regarding the urban logistics strategy and possible good practices to be implemented in Warsaw. Peers from Utrecht, Barcelona, Vilnius, Greece and Portugal were invited to share their experience as well as to advise Warsaw in two urgent questions: how to develop the strategy document and how to manage the pilot project. 

The Municipality of Funchal shared his experience in developing a SULP (Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan) as well as some of the actions that are being pursued to improve the load and unload operations.

There were about 40 attendees taking part in this two-days meeting, mainly the Warsaw officials, officers and stakeholders. Thanks to the online mode, some sessions were made open for a wider public. There was also a session of debate and discussion among participants.

The event was very successful and addressed the issues related to freight logistics and some of the actions being applied by other cities to overcome these issues.