Project News

Polish action #DrukujemyDlaMedykow


This is a charity event bringing together companies and individual volunteers...

Type: Project

Polish startups fighting with coronavirus


Companies from the "Aeropolis" Podkarpackie Science and Technology Park have...

Type: Project

Adapting with Digital #5


I've already given you some information about the series of webinars that are...

Type: Project

Start with Protolab to the Electronics Show


The theme of the competition is to prepare a presentation about the...

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Adapting with digital part 4


As you already know, Our project partner - WSX Enterprise - is running a very...

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Support for Entrepreneurs from Podkarpackie Region


Are you an entrepreneur? Do you run your activity in Poadkarpackie Voivodeship?...

Type: Project

The winners of Start in Podkarpackie


Well, you already know that Start in Podkarpackie is mentioned as an example of...

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Cyber security


So, Easter is over and it's time to get back for work. Unfortunately, the...

Type: Project

Happy Easter!


Dear Friends, The upcoming Easter will be different than the ones we have been...

Type: Project

Go online!


Well, Inspired by Webinar prepared by our Project Partner - WSX Enterprise, I'd...

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Online Global Hack


Today, I'd like to share with you some info about the event that is starting to...

Type: Project

Tips on running online meetings by Interreg Europe


On 25 March 2020 - Interreg Europe- ran a Webinar where they gave some tips, how...

Type: Project