Project News

The success of ParkCash in StartinPodkarpackie


Do you remember our Good practice - Start in Podkarpackie?Lots of them are...

Type: Project

The success of Colorland


We're proud that lots of startups incubated in Science and Technology Park,...

Type: Project

Working capital support for Micro and SMEs


In Poland, lots of initiatives are run to limit the influence of Coronavirus for...

Type: Project

Funding for Bulgarian strtups


I am so happy that I may share with you such a fantastic news. Fund of Funds...

Type: Project

Good Practices Approved


26.06.2020 Well, as the fifth semester of our project's implementation is...

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Regional stakeholders meeting in Sofia TECH Park


On 27 May 2020, our Bulgarian partner had run a short meeting with local...

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Bulgarian stakeholder meeting


The Covid-19 pandemic, as you already know, caused that some of our project's...

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Innovative tool for fighting with COVID-19


Startuppers from Polish startup scene are willingly working to find solution...

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We arrived in VLEVA blog


Artesis Plantijn (AP) Hogeschool Antwerpen as you know, is the advisory partner...

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Engagement of Municipality of Rauma


In our Stakeholders Online Workshop session, the representative of Municipality...

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Newsletter No4


Each semester of Our Project's implementation takes a period of 6 months. That...

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Granada Empresas supports entrepreneurs


The support platform for entrepreneurs and freelancers promoted by the Granada...

Type: Project