Cities and regions across Europe are investing in green infrastructure – such as networks of green space, green roofs and other interventions – and are benefitting from these investments. Green infrastructure has a proven ability to improve economic performance of urban and rural areas, boost the health and wellbeing of their inhabitants, and build resilience to climate change. One of the tasks of the PERFECT project is to identify good practices and help to transfer them across Europe by raising awareness of the potential of green infrastructure amongst policy makers.

To meet this task, the PERFECT partnership is preparing the MAGIC (Multi-Advantages of Green Infrastructure in Cities) database. The purpose of this database is to highlight the benefits that green infrastructure can bring and how certain interventions can achieve these. The PERFECT partners will contribute to these good practices and learn from others, preparing Action Plans to influence their policies and secure more investment in green infrastructure in their areas.

The list of 11 key benefits that will be included in the MAGIC database to influence policy documents are as follows:

Benefit group 



Creation of Jobs 

Better Health and Human Wellbeing 

Enhanced Tourism Opportunities 

More Integrated Transport Solutions 

Community Integration & Social Equality 

Climate Change 

Flood Risk Management 

Mitigation of Urban Heat Island Effect 

Carbon Storage & Sequestration 


Water Quality 

Air Quality 

Biodiversity (habitats and ecosystem resilience) 

These benefits are being matched against typical green infrastructure interventions to show how a specific type of intervention (or action or investment) can deliver multiple benefits. These typical green infrastructure interventions include: 

  • Green roof
  • Green facade
  • Wetland creation
  • Woodland creation (rural)
  • Urban woodland/tree planting
  • Greenspace creation
  • Greenspace enhancement
  • SUDS scheme
  • Sustainable & innovative farming practices
  • People project

The database is being prepared by the partnership and more information will be posted on the website in the new few months. If you would like to learn more or to contribute a case study please get in touch with Henry Smith, Project Manager for PERFECT at [email protected]