The PERFECT partnership has published a new factsheet on the importance of green roofs and the opportunities they give us. While protecting us from the elements, the roofs over our heads can be an otherwise wasted resource when taking their traditional form, potentially having negative impacts such as increased stormwater run-off. Planting our roofs offers an opportunity to adapt our buildings to the effects of climate change and extreme weather events, with green roofs serving multiple purposes, including the absorption of rainwater, provision of insulation for our homes, and habitat creation for wildlife, as well as the further greening of our cities and towns.
The factsheet examines the different types of green roof and the benefits that can be delivered through them, particularly for addressing climate change, improving the efficiency of buildings and for the well-being of local residents. The factsheet also includes some case studies from across the PERFECT partnership.
This factsheet is part of a series which aim to make the case for green infrastructure to decision-makers and politicians by bringing together evidence and key statistics from across Europe to demonstrate that investment in high-quality green infrastructure is easily repaid from the benefits that it brings.
The green roof factsheet is available to download for free here.