The Municipality of Rethymno, Lead Partner of the PLASTECO project, has responded to the H2020 project COLLECTORS’ call to participate in a number of clustering activities, following a meeting held during the COLLECTORS’ conference in Thessaloniki, Greece on 11th of December 2019.
Specifically, representatives of the Municipality of Rethymno collaborated with peers from the COLLECTORS project, sharing the common goal of transitioning towards a “new plastics economy”. Drawing on a series of deliverables and the COLLECTORS’ repository of tools and knowledge, the Municipality of Rethymno will benefit from exchanging experiences in the areas of plastic waste management, public procurement, funding, awareness raising, and regulatory waste framework conditions, as well as by receiving feedback from experts to catalyze effective waste collection.
Following the initial meeting, due to the COVID-19 virus outbreak, all subsequent meetings were held online via Skype and Microsoft Team calls.
COLLECTORS’ outputs that can be used in the context of the PLASTECO project are available here.