On 15th December 2021 SZ REDA organized its 4th meeting with stakeholders in Stara Zagora, Bulgaria in a hybrid mode. The main topic of the gathering were the achievements in the field of recycling by:
- Beloslav municipality, Bulgaria, is considered as a small municipality but with already 2 important projects in the field of plastic waste prevention:
• "Demonstration model for prevention and recycling of household waste in the municipality of Beloslav" (presented by Nadya Dimitrova)
• "Introduction of an innovative model for reducing the amount of plastic waste in the marine environment from land-based sources" (presented by Yoanna Yoveva)
- Precious Plastic Sofia, Bulgaria, where Georgi Balinov presented the idea that we can recycle plastic ourselves.
After the part with presentations, a fruitful discussion was kicked off. We thank to our lecturers and presenters and wish them a great Christmas time!