The public entity Andalusian Energy Agency in Spain (AEA), as leading partner of the POWERTY project, together with the public entity Agency for the Development of Public Investment in Lithuania (VIPA), have organized the First Interregional Thematic Seminar of this project. This seminar has had a good impact, with the participation at the international level of more than 120 people, who have also valued the event positively (70% of those surveyed rated the event as very satisfactory).
The main objective of the seminar has been to share good practices that, in the field of renewable energies and energy poverty, have been developed in the different European regions, and facilitate their replication in other regions.
This event, which should have been held in person in Lithuania, has been held online for two days November 24 and 25, 2020, due to mobility restrictions caused by the current pandemic. The first day has been focused on the most appropriate innovative technological solutions to overcome energy poverty through renewable energies; And on the second day, different financing formulas have been analyzed to facilitate the use of renewable energies by vulnerable groups.
Presentations are available in the LIBRARY