The Andalusian Energy Agency participated on July 1 in a face-to-face meeting on energy communities, organized by the School of Social Economy.

The School of Social Economy promotes the project "Cooperative Energy Communities" from the innovation and values ​​of the social economy and with the premise of collaboration and the exchange of experiences and knowledge between representative entities of the social economy and other knowledge agents .

Ángel Sáez Ramírez, engineer from the Andalusian Energy Agency, addressed the role of public administrations in promoting energy communities, as well as the existing regulatory framework. In addition, it presented the main actions that the Andalusian Energy Agency is developing in the field of energy communities, in particular, within the European POWERTY project of renewable energies and energy poverty.

Two energy communities that are developing in Andalusia, and which have been recognized with different national awards, participated in the conference:

The meeting ended with a cooperative work space among all participants.