PROGRESS International Training Workshop 2: supporting the horizontal integration of the ecosystem concerns into the sectoral policies and plans
Integrating ecosystem concerns into policy & decision making
11 January 2021, online
Please note that all PROGRAM TIMING IS IN CET
10:00 Presentation: Enrique Doblas (CREAF)
10:10 Welcome talk: Joan Pino (CREAF director)
10:20 About Interreg Europe PROGRESS: Besnik Mehmeti (PROGRESS coordinator, ANCI)
Theme Panel 1: ENGAGING stakeholders in environmental decision making
Environmental concerns, coming from researchers, the business sector and society as a whole, should be included in sectoral policies. We discuss useful practices and initiatives for identifying and gathering stakeholder opinions and needs.
10:30 Moderator: Anabel Sánchez (impact officer at CREAF)
1) Deliberative spaces for climate change adaptation (guest practice): Annelies Broekman (Freelance Consultor on Water Management Policies, Citizen Participation and Social Movement Networking)
2) The Dublin Mountains Makeover: Stakeholder Engagement: Hannah Hamilton/Karen Woods (Coillte Nature)
3) Barcelona Citizen Council for Sustainability · Citizen engagement methodologies: Patrícia Rovira (Barcelona City Council)
10:50 Debate
Theme 2: INFORMING decision makers with mapping and definition tools
When decision making takes place, policy makers should know the entire picture. Geographical information systems, standards and indicators help decision makers to extract the crucial information from rough data. Such methodologies will be presented and discussed.
11:20 Moderator: Carles Castell (Barcelona Council)
1) Forest Ecosystem Services Mapping and Assessment Methodology (mapping): Zane Libiete (Latvian State Forest Research Institute “Silava”)
2) Catalan Forestry Laboratory (Mapping and database open access): Victor Granda (CREAF)
3) Definition and indicators for the characterization of the Agricultural Areas (landscape definition): Eduard Trepat (ARCA – Catalonia Rural Initiatives)
11:40 Debate
Theme 3: ACTING for forest conservation and restoration
Once stakeholders’ needs and information from the ecosystem are gathered, environmental policies should be applied. State of the art technology and methodology for environmental management will be presented and analysed.
12:10 Moderator: Pilar Andrés (CREAF, Society for Ecological Restoration)
1) Restoring Ecological Diversity of Forests with Airborne Imaging Technologies (RED FAITH) (focus on airborne imaging – practical issues). Sándor Sári (Mecsek Forestry Co. Ltd).
2) Protecting of the English oak (Quercus robur) in a cross-border area (Oak protection) (effective field methodology). Milán Kiss (Mecsek Forestry Co. Ltd.)
3) Conservative management of habitats in the North West of Gorj, in Gorj County - Romania (effective field methodology): Danut Chira ("Marin Dracea" National Institute for Research and Development in Forestry)
12:30 Debate
13:00 Conclusions and wrap-up by Enrique Doblas
13:10 End of the meeting